Thursday, February 11, 2010


Spent a bit of time -- 30 minutes -- checking out videos prepared by my colleague Steve. Very impressive use of video software (unsure what) to create videos showing how to use google mail & docs, with his verbal instructions. Will use in PD sessions nect week.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Moira suggested we keep a tally of the hours we do to make sure we aren't overcommitted. Obviously the time will vary from week to week. So I decided to keep a learning blog which I will add to as appropriate.
I had suggested to Moira yesterday that we need to meet to start getting to know each other as a group & trust each other as learners together. She agreed, but we haven't had time to do that yet. She asked about what group bonding exercises would be useful but we didn't have time to consider. It seems to me we are moving in the region of forming/storming so need more time to develop group norms so we can work together well.
So far I have spent 2 1/2 hours @ the session with Derek, 1 hr this morning where we were rather @ cross purposes about what we wanted to achieve, plus a couple of hours looking @ the documentation, experimenting, thinking etc. So that's more than 4...